Medical checkup from 60 years and up.

Medical checkup from 60 years and up.

In addition to what is recommended in the previous age segment, measures are being added, such as advice on physical exercise in people over 65 years of age with risk of falls. «Screening for cervical cancer continues to be practiced until the age of 65, and the...
Medical checkup from 50 years old.

Medical checkup from 50 years old.

Given that after 50 years there are some diseases that must be paid attention, both in men and women. It is more than advisable some prevention. This is the case of colon cancer, which is why the determination of occult blood in faeces every two years is recommended,...
Medical check-ups between 30-40 years.

Medical check-ups between 30-40 years.

Up to 40 years, you should only go to the doctor’s office if they have any symptoms or health problems. From that age, a prevention dynamic based on basic tests is advisable, every 1-2 years or more. If there is a history of some specific diseases, depending on...
What should a medical check include?

What should a medical check include?

A general medical checkup should include: Basic blood test that includes cholesterol and glucose, weight control, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, tumor markers from a certain age. As well as chest x-ray and / or abdominal ultrasound in some cases. Welcome to Family...
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