Medical checkup from 50 years old.
Given that after 50 years there are some diseases that must be paid attention, both in men and women. It is more than advisable some prevention. This is the case of colon cancer, which is why the determination of occult blood in faeces every two years is recommended,...
Medical check-ups between 30-40 years.
Up to 40 years, you should only go to the doctor’s office if they have any symptoms or health problems. From that age, a prevention dynamic based on basic tests is advisable, every 1-2 years or more. If there is a history of some specific diseases, depending on...
Medical checkups in Adolescence and Twenty.
It is advisable to include a control of blood cholesterol levels, with a minimum periodicity of 4 years from the age of 18. It is also important, in the case of sexually active people, to carry out the HIV test and update the vaccines It is also recommended to ask...
General medical checkup in apparently healthy patients
The general medical examination has been considered as one of the main practices of preventive medicine. It has been called «periodic medical examination» since its period can vary between one and five years, depending on the age, however, some call it «annual...