In addition to what is recommended in the previous age segment, measures are being added, such as advice on physical exercise in people over 65 years of age with risk of falls. «Screening for cervical cancer continues to be practiced until the age of 65, and the detection of hypertension and the assessment of cardiovascular risk are also actions that continue to be made.» Influenza vaccination is recommended annually, and pneumococcal vaccination, which can be with a single dose in case of the conjugate vaccine, or every 5 years, in the case of polysaccharide (the latter financed throughout Spain, while the first it is only in some regions). Mental aspects, such as memory or orientation, as well as the socio-familial situation and physical or sensorial limitations, «which have so much influence on the prevention of falls or significant disability», should also be explored to a greater extent.
Medical checkup from 60 years and up.